Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Out, and I'm In!

For best results, this post should be read with the song "What a Feeling" playing in your head. I apologize in advance if it stays there all day!

Craft Challenge: Pillowcase has hit the shelves! My good friend Karen from RunsWithScissors4 actually made a special trip to Barnes and Noble just to find this book. She not only purchased it, but she also sent me photos of all of "my" pages. Wasn't that sweet?


My copy arrived on my doorstep yesterday. As you can see, I'm not on the cover. Not the front cover, anyway. There is actually a mention of my project on the back cover, though! The book is broken up into three sections; wear, show and live. I'm in the "live" section (page 100). My large bowl has been dubbed "Dream Catcher" and wow, the pictures are just amazing!

At the risk of sounding like a gigantic geek, I will share with you that I just keep opening the book to my section and staring at it- with a huge smile on my face. I have briefly contemplated carrying my copy around so that I can show my pages to anyone who glances in my general direction. I mean, jeez, I can't just put it on a shelf and forget about it, right?


I am thrilled to do the happy dance with my family and friends, but I admit, there is the teeniest dream that Oprah or Martha or Rachael will spy the book and just *have* to visit my shop- they'll order custom rugs and bowls for their many homes and invite me to be on their show for a fabric crochet segment. Am I carrying the fantasy a little far? Perhaps. OK, probably. But, there you have it...What A Feeling! What are you celebrating today?


  1. YAY! Jennie, that's so exciting! Congratulations! I love "Dream Catcher", the bowl is gorgeous, and the photo is fantastic! Does the book include your shop address? I' bursting with excitement for you. That's so fantastic! I'm so proud of you. :-)

  2. Thank you, Kristine! Yep, my etsy shop is listed in my "bio" in the back of the book.

  3. Hurray! I got nervous when I didn't see it in the picture. It's great that you have a bio in the back. Readers can find out how wonderful you are, and the book will be less cluttered. I'm still bouncing around for you. :-D

  4. You are too sweet! Yes, I had to give Oprah a way to contact me, lol :)

  5. OMG Jennie!!! I am SO excited for you!! You deserve it. I can't wait to see this book for myself. Are they in stores yet? Maybe I'll send one to you and have you autograph it for me. ;)

    I gotta tell you, you are a great writer as well as an artist. The way you talk about things and even the way you've set up your blog is just amazing. Congrats to you again, Jenniegirl. Lovve ya's. xo

  6. CONGRATS!!!!! your work is amazing, and totally deserves it!!! you go girl!!!

  7. Saw your blog link in the etsy forum.

    Congratulations on your magazine feature. The bowl looks great in the photo.

  8. I am so happy for you. I am just beside myself its so exciting. Yea!! you go girl.

  9. Found my way over from the forums to such an exciting and happy post! Congrats! And your work is devestatingly stunning too!

  10. Your work is beautiful...congrats on being published...that is always exciting.

  11. How exciting Jennie!
    What a wonderful accomplishment to be published. I am so happy for you!
    I will have to make a trip to Borders!

  12. yes, i do have that song in my head now, but i don't mind.

    your page looks fantastic! great photography, and such a pretty bowl.

    honestly, your stuff seems right up martha's alley especially! i don't think it's a silly dream at all. :)

    that's so wonderful that you are in such a cute book! congrats. we're all so proud of you!

  13. omg, that is so cool, I have to get the book now. Seriously, ok writing down the title then off to find it.

  14. Congratulations! This is very exciting. More than justifies having the song "What a Feeling" stuck in my head all day.

  15. I'm dancin' on the ceiling ovah here for you Jennie!! Smiling right beside you given you aloha hugs during the refrain!
    much aloha,

  16. Whoooo hooo. Live it up and have fun. I would say carry it around with me and stop random people and force them to look at it with me..lol =) I really do like that photo!! Great job Jen.

  17. Public recognition of my dear Jennie's incredible talent!
    I am so proud of you girlfriend, you deserve to be published. I am so excited, I feel like opening the windows and shouting: "Sosorosey's gorgeous work is in a book!", but I fear the neighbours would have me committed!
    Love you, you special gal you!

  18. Omigosh, what a marvelous day!!! :D CONGRATS on the mention on the back cover, that is awesome!!! Is it the outside of the back cover, or the inside?

    You should get an extra copy, and slice out your pages and frame them. :D

    HUGE HUGS!!! Fingers crossed for getting found by someone famous and becoming super rich and famous yourself- stopping just short of paparazzi hounding you all to hell. ;)

  19. Jennie - Big hugs for you. You deserve it girl :). You are so amazing.... and you should, by now, know how much I adore your work!
    I wish all success to you and your book. Where can I buy it? Barnes and Noble?

  20. Thank you all so much for the wonderful show of love and support and celebration! I am so very lucky to have you!!

    Yes, Barnes and Noble, and probably Borders...maybe even some craft stores? I know it is available, and on sale, through Amazon, too.

    I have more exciting news that I will blog about tomorrow!

  21. Congratulations on getting published! The pictures of your bowl look fabulous! I hope it brings many sales to your Etsy shop!

  22. Congratulations!! You deserve it!

    Sure, carry that book around. If it was me, I would go to public places and sit there reading the book so people would notice. Better yet, take somebody with you and look at the book together, ahhing and pointing at pictures and talking about the fabulous creations!

    And I can totally see you on all three of those tv shows! It can happen!!

  23. You should be celebrating, and I don't mind singing that song and dancing the happy dance with you. What joy!

  24. Congratulations. How wonderful for you! Yes, you should definitely carry it everywhere and show everyone whether they are interested or not.


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