Sunday, April 26, 2009

Care To Guess?

I was in the mood to make something new and cute the other day, and this is the result. I am so pleasantly surprised that this came out on the first try the way that I envisioned it!
But, um, do you know what it is?
Please leave your best guess in the comments!


  1. i know it, i know it!!!

    it's a little crocheted purse so i can carry around my panic button. this way i can take it from work and use it at home if need be. oooo, great idea rosey!


    ok, for real i have no clue. maybe a little pill box or something to put a measuring tape in???? ya got me on this one.

  2. I agree- I believe it's a tape measure tidy!!

  3. hahahahaha i had the EXACT same thought as jessi--purse with panic button. great minds?

  4. I think it's a pocket-mirror cozy. You know, for powdering your nose. :)

  5. Thanks for all the guesses!! I am not going to ruin anything yet- I'll be back this evening to announce what it is!!

    Hi Karen! Do you recognize the yarn????

  6. Hi Jennie!

    Yes I do know that yarn! It's Sugar & Cream and I'm guessing an Ombre???

    Now I see it in a different light, it looks like a lidded ginger pot. Can't wait to find out what it is!

  7. So cute - I cannot tell the size, but looks like an adorable coin purse to me!

  8. Ooh, this was so fun! I will have to do guessing games more often :)

    It is....drum roll....a tape measure cozy (or tidy as my English friend puts it!) I made it so that you can use the tape measure without taking it out...hence the "panic button".

    Now for the next question... Should I make some of these for my shop? Would you buy one or give it as a gift? If I include the tape measure (which I should so that it's a definite fit) I'll have to charge $10. Thoughts???

  9. I WANT ONE!!!

    Yes you should put some in your shop!!!

  10. Hehehe, Angela! As luck would have it, this one was destined for you from the beginning! I wanted to make you a fun thank you gift for being a gold-club customer :)
    These colors will "match" both of your project keepers!

    Thanks for weighing in with your vote on putting them in my shop. I think I will- they are super fun to make, and I have LOTS of vintage toggles looking for a purpose!

  11. OMG..... and it is even southwestern colors too!! I Love it!!

    Thanks Jennie, you are the best!!!


  12. Ha! Jessi guessed it! Go, Jessi! :D

    I think you should absolutely make some for the shop, Jennie! And do include the measuring tape, people love that. :)

  13. It is a measuring tape purse. :)

  14. It looks like a cozy for one of those little tape measures with the button that make sit reel back up. =)

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your shop. =)


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