Monday, April 27, 2009

Makeover Monday 4/27

Good Monday morning!
So, what happens if you take a plain, avocado colored cotton bowl...

... and add a strip from a beautiful french cotton scarf?


This will be a set of 3 nesting bowls very soon. Look for them in my shop later this week!
What are your plans for today? Got anything fun going on? Please share!


  1. love the splash of color on the rim... how clever of you :)

  2. Gorgeous!

    My plans for today.... a nap in the sun. 8)

  3. So pretty!!! I love that splash of color :)

  4. Absolutely love this bowl! You certainly have a way with color. And loved the suspense that built up at the end! hee hee

    Hugs ~ Claudia


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