Tuesday, April 7, 2009

{{{grow}}} and more

I don't snag treasuries as often as I'd like, so when I do, I feel an overwhelming urgency to include all of the people who are kind enough to include me in theirs from time to time. There are just never enough spaces, so I know I need to double my efforts in this department! This is my latest treasury creation, though, and I do hope you will click on it and visit the shops of these talented artists. Don't forget to leave a comment there, too- people love to read those!

And, I am pleasantly overwhelmed at my good fortune today...thanks to craftopolis.com, I see that I currently have items featured in several beautiful collections.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to:


  1. Congrats! You deserve it...your work is fabulous!

  2. Keep make those beautiful creations =)

  3. 7 treasuries, thats awesome! Well done :)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)