Monday, April 6, 2009

Makeover Monday: 4/6

I found this vintage pillowcase hanging alone and sad, ready for a new life and new purpose! Look how happy she is to be a bowl! I love the way the pink, aqua, and orange pop out of the golden mustard background. I'm still searching my brain for a name for this one...any ideas?


  1. oooh, i LOVE make-over moday!!! i couldn't wait to see what you came up with for today. :D
    hmmm, how about something like...
    rainbow sherbert? or jolly jellybean?


  2. Love it, Jen! How about "La Grande Jatte"? For some reason that painting by Seurat popped into my head when I saw that lovely bowl.

  3. Yay! Makeover Monday! :D

    It reminds me of pumpkins, but I'm not sure that's helpful for a name, lol.

  4. How about "SPLAT"? She looks just like a splat of autum wishing for spring! Pretty cute too!!

  5. I thought of sunshine the first time I saw this bowl!


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