Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back in Rag Ball Heaven

I had the unique and wonderful opportunity to work with a customer's heirloom antique rag balls last year. Lucky for me, she was so happy with her items that she decided to send me some more rags to work with! This is a shot of the new batch of stars. It may seem odd to you, but this is pure bliss for me. Seeing the bits and pieces of a simpler time, giving them a new way to be appreciated and enjoyed... ahhhhhhh. I think I must have lived during colonial times in a previous existence. Or at the very least, watched waaaay too much Little House on the Prairie as a child. ;)

1 comment:

  1. All of your star creations are terrific but these little gems are totally "it"! I love the way they just stand out all on their own...looking at them is like looking at a roomful of quilts...just stunning! These are gonna go like hotcakes!


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