Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Buried Treasure

The antique Farrington jewelry box that I found the other day turned out to be even more of a find than I initially realized!

Not only is it worth far more than I expected, it held some buried treasure as well. Three notes, dated 1949 and 1950 were hidden underneath the upper portion of the case. All are basically a statement of will, written to a bank in Northern Virginia, designating the author's daughter as the rightful owner of the contents of her bank box upon her death.
I've done a little bit of research to see if I could locate the person or her daughter. No luck so far. The treasure doesn't amount to anything monetary, but what a cool find. Moral of the story- check every nook and cranny of those old jewelry boxes- you never know what could be hidden!
Do you have any tales of hidden treasure?

1 comment:

  1. isn't it fun to find treasures within a treasure? it makes thrifting much more exciting. All I've seen are some old receipts, old notes, gum wrappers in train cases and suitcases, nothing interesting yet. Hoping someday I'll find a wad of cash buried in one of those old Samsonite pockets, that will be nice...


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