Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Exciting!

I did something new this week. When the voter nomination thread popped up in the Etsy forums, I thought to myself, "Hey, I have Easter stuff! It can't hurt to post something here!" So I nominated my little one egg wonder basket. I didn't make it into the voter, but my basket is featured in the Storque article about the voter. Yay me! It's so exciting to be featured with all of the other amazing Easter items on Etsy, but it is even more satisfying knowing that I played a part in getting it there by taking a little leap. Double yay!


  1. Yay! You! I've been featured as a "Related Item" in the Storque and it brought in so much traffic - I'm sure you'll find yourself busy making little one-egg-wonders!

    Art is Vital. Love is Vital. Shopping is Vital.

  2. Congratulations on being included in the Storque. That's pretty awesome!

  3. yay! congrats on the feature Jennie, you deserve it, your baskets are beautiful.

  4. Wow--good for you! You are my crocheting and Etsy hero!

  5. Congratulations on the feature and for being brave!


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