Friday, March 26, 2010

Egg Bowl

You know me, sometimes I'm just late to the party. I probably should have made an egg shaped bowl *prior* to Easter season, so that people could actually have them in their homes for the holiday. Ah well, the good news is that the new shaped bowl will work in any season! It's especially useful on a desk, to hold post-it notes, favorite pens or tape- all the things I just can't find when I need them. TGIF, friends- I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. lovely bowl. Have a great friday & a wonderful weekend

  2. Lovely bowl! Have a wonderful weekend too Jennie!

  3. Yes, lots of uses for bowls like these. I had to break away from my shawl today, because it was driving me crazy. So I whipped up a little green woolen bowl just a little while ago while watching a movie with the kids on the couch. Something about crocheting in the round that is just so soothing. Perhaps this is how you stay so focused! Have a great weekend, Victoria

  4. Hello Jennie, We've been a bit under the weather over here, hence lack of comments! The good thing about not looking at your favourite blogs when you're poorly is you get to read loads at once when you're better, the bad thing is blogs like yours cheer me up and inspire me no end, so you do miss out on that each day! Anyway back to the reason for todays comment, -this is a bit late I know,-but... I have to say that your 'makeover part two' basket is absolutely sublime! I absolutely love it. I think you have even surpassed yourself in the design, colour and style on this one Jennie. Can't say more than that! Have a great weekend. Take care, Donna
    p.s. Have made a blog -yet to write in in though! :)

  5. It's so nice to see you, Donna- I have been thinking about you, and was getting a little worried. I hope you are back to feeling tip-top soon! Thank you so much for the compliment on the ruffled basket- I do so love the way it turned out, too. I wish it were earlier in the Easter season so that I could make more...but maybe people will like them year-round :)

    Big congratulations on starting your blog- that's a big step. I really look forward to seeing it grow. Healing hugs for you and yours {{{{Donna}}}}

  6. What a cool basket! I'm in the same boat with you for holiday items. I think of things too late or I just plain don't make what I had in mind. This would be terrific year-round, though. Excellent job!


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