Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday's Treasure

Before yesterday, I had not ventured into the world of wall art for my sosovintage shop. Sure, I glance through that section on my thrifting adventures, but I rarely linger. A. I know nothing, nada, zip about art. B. Most vintage paintings or prints have more baggage than I care to deal with. They smell or need serious cleaning or repairs, and they can be large/heavy/unwieldy which can equal a shipping nightmare.
But, this little lady cast a spell on me as soon as I saw her hanging in one of my favorite little shops. I tried to resist her. She was $10 after all- far more than I usually pay for one item. But after passing her several times, I decided to examine her closely. She passed the visual, olfactory and condition tests- so I needed to perform THE test. The one where I ask myself if I don't buy it, am I going to get in the car and know I made a mistake. I visualize myself driving away without the item, and try to gauge my feelings about it. Ah, my little psychological tricks.
I decided I would be upset about leaving her behind. A little research later, and I know this is a professionally framed litho print by MAIO. It is probably from the 60s. There are currently 20 items in an etsy search for MAIO...and similar items range in price from $15 to $149. What the heck?! On eBay there is more uniformity... about $20- $25. Seems I have some more thinking to do about my little girl.


  1. Not sure what your own home decor is like - but she's a steal and freakin' cute. Is it the kinda shop where you can negotiate? Even if not, and shipping would be SUCH a hassle, I know...just keep her around for inspiration. You must have her - you have to have her....

    I'm sure one of your other readers will be the little angel on the other shoulder...we know I'm the little shopping devil! ; )

    ps - eco-laundry day + giveaway at the blog today!

  2. She's sweet! I hope she doesn't give you too much hassle. :-)


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