Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Bouquet

Welcome spring!
New sosorosey vintage fabric and crochet~edge gift tags are ready to be listed. I LOVE making these, but it is more of a production than you'd think to round up all the necessary supplies.
Pre-made tags, fabric, pinking shears, fabric glue, hole punch, crochet thread, small crochet hook, regular scissors... I got smart this time and made a little kit (ie. a baggie with all the stuff zipped inside) so that I can just make tags whenever the mood strikes and time allows!
Thank you very much to all who voted for the makeover fabric yesterday. I was especially happy to see some new faces (hi Kathryn!), and hear the thought out opinions of many of you. Between the votes left here, and the ones I got from an Etsy forum thread, the winner is.........
number 3!!!
That one got 10 votes, #2 was second with 6 votes, and numbers 1 and 2 had 4 votes each. Come on back Monday to see how it looks all done up!


  1. Speechless--I absolutely LOVE these!

  2. Just browsing your blog, it looks wonderfully creative! Nice to see other mum's out there doing what they love!


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