Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Vote for Makeover Monday #2

It's voting time again! This time I'll be using the material with the most votes to make either a large bowl or a lidded clutter keeper. I'll decide which one to make- you just let me know what to make it from, OK?
~*~ #1 kelly green and bubble gum pink gingham
#2 Ecru on caramel with small bursts of rich pink
#3 emerald, grass and lime green with blue and violet pops

#4 creamsicle, sky, mint and mustard with chocolate
Please leave a comment with the # of your favorite...I can't wait to see which one wins! I'll let you know tomorrow. The more votes, the merrier, so feel free to tell your friends :)


  1. well, it was tough...between #2 and #4! I think I'll weigh in with #2! I think it will make a terrific lidded bowl...a very natural look as in nature!

  2. Those are all beautiful - but I vote for #3. It is springy and nice and green for St. Patrick's Day coming up.

  3. I vote #1. I'm just drawn to the pink and green. Maybe it is all those preppy clothes we wore back in Jr. High and High school. I have fabric #3 in my collection and have made several bags from it. It was a tablecloth originally. -Kathryn

  4. hi, rosey. #3 is my choice, too, especially on this very spring-like day in ottawa.

  5. #3, absolutely! Those colors are gorgeous.

  6. hmmm, at first i wasn't drawn to #1 but then i went back and tried to visualize it all crocheted up into one of your awesome creations. i have to say #3 first and then #1 - cuz you know i love my greens. ;)

    good luck. x

  7. Lovely choices, but I like #1. Can't wait to see.

    Linda B.

  8. Al♥ha Jennie~
    At first I was drawn to #2, but this is because I lean toward the earthy dirt colors first :)

    But then #3 is so bright and alive and after your creative magic goes into it, with either item you make, should be like a breath of fresh air.

    my vote is #3

  9. I love number 2 for something for my house, but I want to see number 4 all done up !!

  10. I love the pink and green combo of #1. It will create such a spring-like look. However, it will be so sad to see the little girl images disappear. Maybe you could use this material as a background in a frame instead? Sorry, the idea just came to me! Maybe I should retract my vote!

  11. Hmmmmm... Now, I really love #1, but #3 looks really good as well, and you know that it will crochet up all 'springy' and bright. But... I'm going to vote for #1 'cos the colours are fab and I love the cute pictures - cushion panels maybe?..- But we know whichever wins Jennie, it's going to look fab! Have a good week and hope the clearing is going well :) Donna

  12. Ohhhhh #3 for sure, but again I'm sure anything you make will turn out absolutely gorgeous!!

    hugs! ♥toni

  13. I was going to vote for #1 until I got to the last one -- wow! So I vote for #4. :)

  14. love the pattern and colours on #4!

  15. Oh, maybe its the seveties child in me, but I would hate to cut up #1 into strips for crochet, I would go with the blue daisies instead.

  16. #2 and#3 for either project are awesome - but the full illustrations of #1 and #4 make me wish to see them either for sale as is, or in a sampler/charm pack...or as cute little aprons...

    i'm always voting outside the lines. so sorry about that. just lovely fabric though!

    Art is Vital. Love is Vital. Shopping is Vital.


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