Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Word Thing

Thank you so much to all of you who helped me come up with inspirational, motivational, or amusing words. Thanks to Kristine especially, I have a list a mile long- it's wonderful!!

In case you didn't read my comment in the word play post comment section, I was a bit dismayed to find out that my bright idea had already been thunk. I guess it wasn't so unique after all. Boo.


But, I have come into this load of vintage wooden school blocks, and darnit, I'm using them! On the bright side, since the idea isn't *so* unique, I don't feel bad putting a few of these in my shop.

And how about that cute little red and aqua doll case/toy chest I'm using as a prop? In the event that I don't get back in here tomorrow, that will be my treasure for the week. Salvation Army $6.99. To me, a steal. To my husband, mmmm, not so much.


PS: The winner of the fabric vote is #1 by a landslide! Thanks to all who voted :)


  1. It's pretty hard to do anything that hasn't been done before. What makes it original is our very own thumbprint, out very own unique touch.

    I really like what you're doing with those blocks!


    PS - Fun Interview and Giveaway at my blog today!

  2. I've sold many old blocks with inspirational wordings before until i ran out of vowels. I still have some and thinking of just selling them all in a lot.

    Like Tara said, it's challenging to find something that has not been completely done before, if you peek at (at your own risk) you'll know...

  3. These wooden blocks bring back memories of playing "roads" and "buildings" with my brother and sister. I love "old school" the best!

  4. Jennie, this is fantastic! And thank you so much for the shout-out. I'm always more than happy to help! :-) These blocks bring back fond memories of my childhood.

    P.S. Can't wait to see the butterfly transformation. :-)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)