Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday's Find

Well, what I found this week was a package on my doorstep! Inside were these awesome craft books from Lark Publishing. Apparently, the upcycled slippers that I worked so hard on for the Craft Hope book won't be included after all.
The enclosed (very nice) note said that the charity they had found for my project didn't work out after all, and that they were unable to find another that would be a good match. I am disappointed. Really disappointed. And trying hard not to feel like a Negative Nelly about the whole thing. Once I get over that, I'm sure I will enjoy looking at the books.


  1. I'm sorry you are disappointed and that your project won't be included in the book.

  2. that IS sucky that you worked hard on something special and it didn't 'make the cut'. now spend a couple of hours saying 'screw them!'; and then remember that you can't please everyone...and maybe there's some inspiration to be gained inside them there pages.

    if not, the local library always takes donations! : )

    feel better!

  3. I'm sorry to hear your pattern was cut. It's surprising to me, because I'm always inspired by your work.

    Maybe you could offer the pattern for sale in your Etsy shop and make donations to a charity from the proceeds. I know I'd buy a pattern you designed.

  4. (((hugs))) sorry to hear that...

  5. It's so easy to let disappointment get to one's self. I am sure you won't feel this way for too long; you don't seem like a person that is easily defeated.

    If I choose, I could spend most of my days with a cloud over my head--like a Charlie Brown or Eyeore character. But I play little mind games or use tricks to stay sane, stay focused, and switch over to happiness. Think about all your followers. Think about all those people who have oohed and aahed over your work. Think about all those people that plunked down their hard earned money and purchased something directly from you, either for themselves or for a gift for a loved one. You have touched so many with your handiwork in a variety of ways, I'm sure. Let this uplift you and be your reward.

    So perhaps the item you made just wasn't the perfect "fit" at this time. It certainly doesn't mean that someone didn't like it. Just wasn't the fit.

    All this I'm sure you already know. Anyway, I think you're awesome!

  6. Thank you all for the sympathy, kind words, hugs, and suggestions...I appreciate them, and you, very much!!

  7. Jennie.. I remember that blog about the slippers... Goodness, they took their time to tell you didn't they?! Please don't let it get you down for long. We all think that all your work is amazing, and I agree whole-heartedly with everything ribbons undone has said. It sounds like they just couldn't match your slippers up with a charity, not that they just didn't like them or anything. I hope you don't dwell too long..Take care Jennie and remember, with you're talent you're bound to have more success just round the corner :) kind wishes, Donna

  8. So sorry to hear the charity your project was to be used for turned out not to be a worthy charity after all. Guess Lark can only pick charities based on someone's nomination and so it's unfortunate for them (Lark) as well as for you that the charity was dropped. Your effort was honorable, your product wonderful, and your desire to contribute admirable....loss is theirs!

  9. Oh Jennie, I am so sorry, sweetie. You are SO SO very talented, and I just know that things are going to work out. BIG BIG hugs for you. <3 <3 <3


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