Saturday, April 24, 2010

And the Winner is....

Here is my receipt from Yesterday's Rose thrift store... I paid a grand total of $24.68 for all of those goodies. So, the winner is.....
...... Angela from aandboriginals with her estimate of $24.50!!!
You can't get much closer than that; congratulations, Angela!
Thanks so much to all who played the Price is Right game this week. There were several VERY close guesses, so I believe it's only a matter of time before everyone wins. By the way, I need to call it something different, and I'm at a loss for names. Any ideas?


  1. I guess my years of thrift shopping paid off this week !!
    Thanks so much Jennie !!!

  2. Well done Angela! :)
    I'm useless at thinking up names Jennie, but I will try and mull it over...
    Have a great weekend.
    Donna X

  3. Congrats Angela! You were so close!

    Jennie, why do you feel you like change the name? I like it now as it says just what it is no?

    Here is one I thought of:
    "Shopping with SoSoVintage"

  4. Congratulations, Angela!

    New name ideas:

    Thrifty Treasures
    Predict the Price
    Figure the Finds
    Guesstimate the Gems


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