Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mug Rugs

I've made upcycled coasters as a custom request before, but have never had a set for sale in my shop. The lemon-lime colors of these make me really happy, and I'm pleased with the way my bow came out on top. The little things in life can make all the difference.
Happy Saturday! What little thing has made you happy lately?


  1. I'm happy that my zucchini plant is about to open its first blossom. :)

  2. Oh I love those how sweet and brightly colored for Spring.

    Happy Weekend!

  3. I need these very much :) I'm so happy you finally have them in your shop!

    And I have a lingering giggle from the name... love that!

  4. These are a great idea, Jennie, and so beautiful.

    Blooming trees make me happy today. :-)

  5. Things that made me happy today: my daughter's look of determination during her first soccer game, found a bag of ribbon at a yard sale (free), feeling the sun shine on my back, and sharing pizza with my family for dinner. Yes, the little things. So important to appreciate all the little things.

    Love the bow on your coasters, such a sweet touch. Looks way too nice to untie and use!


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