Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lights, Camera...

(Click Here ^)
OK, OK- it's only a 30 second video. But, it was super fun to make and free, too. Head on over to ANIMOTO to make your own. Be warned- you might be playing around for a while. If you end up with your own masterpiece, post the link here so I can check it out.
Have a great day, and don't forget to come on back tomorrow for makeover Monday!


  1. Jennie, the video is fab! I'm still trying to produce my mosaic photos so I won't go near a video yet ! :0)

  2. Love your video! What a wonderful way to introduce your shop, showcase some of your creations, and to provide the viewer a peek at your cleverness of getting one's attention see your "goodies" and perhaps nudge one's urge to visit your sosorosey shop...way to go!!!


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