Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's a Wrap

Well, actually, it's a LOTTA wrap. I found these vintage wrapping paper squares at a charity shop that I only visit once a month or so. I was surprised at how much they had- in perfect condition, too. No marks, tears, or most importantly, smells. The best part? Ten cents a sheet!!!!
Click on the photo to check out a fun blog post I found about using vintage wrapping paper to "kitsch up your gifts". Hope you are having a smashing weekend! Don't forget to come on back tomorrow for an exciting Makeover Monday... hint: it involves another late night experiment :)


  1. Wow--what a lucky score, and for 10 cents a sheet!! Yeah! Have fun with it :o)
    Smiles, Karen

  2. wow! what a great find! i'm green with envy. ;)


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