Monday, May 24, 2010

Makeover Monday: 5/24

For this week's creation, I started with some plain cotton string from the hardware store.
I added a smidgen of *magic dye dust*...
... and finished off with a few glass pearls and a gorgeous vintage flannel.

Voila! A truly rosy rose...

...brooch. Since my applique flowers are still prettying up the shelves in sosorosey, I thought I'd see if ready made brooches in hand-dyed cotton would stir up any excitement. I know they make ME do a little dance!
This is my daughter's last week at her Tuesday Thursday playschool. I also plan to get my eyebrows done and my hair cut within the next week. I'll be 42 in two weeks, and I'd rather look my best when that day rolls around, lol. Yep, that's the extent of my social calendar at this point. What do YOU have going on this week?


  1. Ooh, the brooch is lovely as can be! YOu are such a talented lady! 42! are still a young punk, enjoy every minute of it!
    Smiles, Karen

  2. The color of this is so-so-rosey indeed!! You are one creative wahine my dear!!! I am soso glad you were born((♥))

  3. Great idea with the brooch! I love that you dyed the yarn yourself. :D

    You always look fabulous, but it never hurts to get pampered! I say, go for the gold so you feel as good as you look. :)

    And don't forget, 40-something is way more chic than it used to be. Just Google famous women in their 40s and you'll see what I mean. :)

    And my social calendar for the week is: studying for a test on Wednesday, and trying to get together with my girlfriend from last semester. Should be fun!


  4. Funny. Just yesterday I was waltzing through AC Moore and this green twine in the floral dept caught my eye. I picked it up, touched it's scratchy feel, and said, "I could make something with this. A doormat." I put it down. I am working on too many ideas presently, and I didn't want to overload my brain!

  5. this brooch is beautiful!

    Have fun on your birthday Jennie!

  6. this is so beautiful! Very nice work


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