Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wanna Join Me?

So, I've been thinking. I know- look out! Bear with me.
As an Etsy seller, the pinnacle of Etsy success- or at least one thing that we'd all LOVE to achieve- is to be a chosen featured seller. The featured seller gets a fabulous interview that graces the front page of Etsy for days. Many, many hearts and sales ensue- I assume. They have instant Etsy fame!
Here's where my thinking comes in, and the part where I'm hoping you'll join in. Consider those visualization techniques; you know, "The Secret"... "see it to achieve it" type things. How would it be if each week we visualize together and work toward being the featured seller on our own blog? Like, choose a part of the featured seller interview and share it with your readers?
The way I see it, if we go ahead and prepare our answers, all we'll have to worry about *when* we are chosen by Etsy is getting a stunning photo of ourselves! In the meantime, our blog readers get to know us a little better. It's win, win.
For myself, I'm going to start easy and do this one for my Friday post this week:
What handmade possession do you most cherish?
If you plan to join in, feel free to link to my blog for the explanation of what you are doing. Please leave a comment here if you are going to do this too, so that I can be sure to visit and read all about you! Don't have a blog? That's OK- you can share your answer to the interview question in the comments section today or on Friday- everyone is welcome! Let's do this!


  1. I have a blog but I never post there, so I'll post here instead! :D

    Great idea! I have always wanted to be chosen. And you would think a person had to be on Etsy awhile and already successful, but I've seen them choose relative newbies, so anyone can get it! Although, I do think you'd be a perfect choice. :)

    My favourite handmade item is two items, actually. I'm over the moon with my guitar picks- I think they're awesome and unique and I can't believe I've only sold one so far! LOL

  2. My favorite handmade item would have to be my tote bag. I love the fabric and I'm a huge purse fanatic!

    Great blog and great idea!


  3. Jennie, I love your truly 'rosey rose' brooch from your previous post. I'm going to try and join you on this, and practise the 'linking' that you gave me advice on ! :)
    Can't wait to find out you most treasured handmade item!
    Have a great day Jennie. x

  4. What a fantastic idea... I think I will join you and link back once I make my post.... hmm.. now to choose which question I wish to answer!!


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