Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A New Nest

I sometimes get messages from photographers looking to trade photos for props. If I already have enough photos of a certain item, or if I don't have enough time, I say no thank you. But, the other day, I heard from Allie at and decided to use this as an opportunity to give my nest an update. I cannot wait to see a little baby girl all nestled up in this dreamy upcycled and embellished cocoon. The flowers are on clips, so there's a chance we'll see a baby boy nested, too. You know I'll be sharing photos here whenever I can!


  1. i can't wait to see more baby photos in these!

  2. That must be very exciting to see your handiwork displayed by a prof. photog. like that!! So cool!
    Smiles, Karen

  3. Can't wait to see pics, I love it when my customers, who are professional photographers send me pics of my work. Good for you, Jennie !!

  4. Can't wait to see who get to "be nestled"!! Your newest cocoon is just awesome! I love your adorable embellishments...very, very, sweet! How creative you are!


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