Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Late Night Experiment

I've been wanting to make a stark white item for awhile now, and I sat myself down in front of Intervention last night and made one. But alas, when it was finished, it didn't look snow white anymore. Maybe it was the light or the late hour, but to me it looked dingy. Having just made a bowl the night before that I didn't like, I was NOT about to be beaten two nights in a row!
Now, my mother doesn't crochet, but she can get her creative groove on with some dye or paint. Seriously, she can turn the ugliest colors into the most beautiful ones- just like magic. I don't have this skill, but I did have the dye that mom left in my laundry room. So, around about 11pm last night, I got a little crazy with the RIT. Buh bye, dingy white bowl- hello sweet little bluebell basket!! Not only did I figure out that I can change the colors of my crocheted items quickly and easily, I learned that they are very washer and dryer safe, too. Who knew I could have so much fun in the laundry room?! Thanks, Mom!


  1. Thanks for the compliment, dear one!! I'm thrilled that you've discovered the art of dyeing!! Not only is it lots of fun, it's also a way to "repurpose" faded, outdated, or cast-off fabric stuffs. You can go crazy changing the color of anything from blouses to slipcovers....and even creating beautiful "bluebell baskets"!!! Glad you enjoyed yourself!

  2. Ooh--this opens up a whole new world of crochet-color for you! There will be no stopping you now. Okay, so how did you do this? After your dingy white creation, you just threw it in the washer with Rit dye? Did you use a laundry/lingerie bag? Delicate cycle? No dryer, right? Just trying to figure this out. Hmmm.

    What about painting the dye on? Would that work? So much to ponder.

  3. I wet it (per the directions) and, yes, just threw it in the washer! I filled the washer with hot water first, poured in the liquid dye- no measuring whatsoever- just threw some in. Put in the bowl and let it run through the rest of the cycle. Took it out, rinsed it in cold water- WRUNG it out- reshaped, then threw it in the dryer. Took it out when it was still a teeny bit damp- reshaped, air dried the rest of the way. I was on a mission to learn vital information!! My bowls can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'! Wait-that's Timex...


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