Monday, May 17, 2010

Makeover Monday 5/17

I recently sent a few sets of my yarn and string stars to a person who plans to use them for 4th of July decorating. That got the old wheels turning, and I thought "Aha! Maybe I should do a similar set in fabric!" These are the materials I chose...

... and these are the stars they've become. I'll dub them *freedom stars* and list them in time for Memorial Day. Besides being hung as a group for a patriotic, primitive look, they can also easily be attached to a grapevine wreath for a special holiday door decoration.


Happy Monday! Welcome to the new members of the "group"- I'm so glad you are here :)


What do you have happening this week? My calendar *seems* relatively clear... for me this typically means that I have forgotten to write something (or a few somethings) down. Here's hoping I remember what's going on before it's too late! O_O


  1. I love the fabric these are made from Jennie.
    They've come up lovely haven't they?
    I've got the car in the garage this week, and hospital with my daughter, oh, and we're still trying to find a house!
    Wish us luck :0)
    Have a good week Jennie:)

  2. A wonderful and creative combination of texture and color. Love the blue with this one:)♥

    My week is filled with painting, work, painting, meetings, painting and topping it off with Da Kauai style Reggae ~ All Day concert on Saturday!!

  3. Americana at it's best--you are always so spot on!

    Not much going on here this week too--I prefer it that way really. The more my calendar gets filled up, the more my brain feels filled up as well!

  4. Oh, love those stars - the colors are fabulous! And what a great idea to color the bowl - who knew?!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)