Monday, May 10, 2010

Makeover Monday: 5/10

I started this project several weeks ago, with 6 skeins of this GORGEOUS merino blend yarn in "silver service". I quickly realized that 6 wouldn't be nearly enough, so I hightailed it back to Michael's for 6 more. All 12 were needed!
I made my mother a scarf for Christmas, but wanted to make her something special for Mother's Day that she could enjoy every day. I use only my own patterns for sosorosey projects, but I do enjoy the thrill of following a book pattern sometimes when I make gifts. I settled on this blanket for its delightfully delicate shape and design.

Here's the pamphlet book I found on an endcap at Michael's. The bed photo is what I saw in the book that helped me know this was "the one".
It started out just like a coaster or bowl, then quickly progressed to the clusters.

Once the middle medallion was completed, the rest was just row upon row (upon row upon row!) of double crochets.


This is folded over a few times, but the ends drape out to these points like flower petals. From the center to the longest part of the petal, the blanket measures 29" overall it's almost 5 feet across. Perfect snuggling size!
It isn't a true Mother's Day if you don't get a little teary. That happened when my mom said her new blanket made her think of her own mother whom she was sure was smiling down from heaven at the gift. Smiling because it was mom's mom who first taught me how to crochet all those decades ago. There were many gifts this Mother's Day- the most special was just being a mother alongside my mother for the day.


  1. Beautiful! I love a handmade gift for Mother's Day/Father's Day it makes it so much more meaningful. My resolution for this year was to learn to crochet but have not managed it so far but I still hope to do so x

  2. That is beautiful! The pattern doesn't look too complicated, yet the end result looks so intricate and detailed. Very pretty... no wonder your Mom cried!

  3. Oh Jennie, this is gorgeous, and it must have taken aaaagggggeess to crochet! :0)
    What a lovely gift for your mum - and, you know that it's gone to someone special who will really appreciate the work (and love) that's gone into making this beautiful gift:)
    Have a great week Jennie.
    Donna x

  4. Jennie, this is such a gorgeous and thoughtful gift! Very, very well done. Happy Mother's Day to you. :-)

  5. Oh my Jennie with a heartfelt treasure you created. This is truly a gift of generations of past and future! I loved your ending sentence "the most special was just being a mother alongside my mother for the day. " ((♥))

  6. opps suppose to have said "what" not "with" a heartfelt...

  7. I know this Country Merino wool blend yarn well. It's such nice yarn at a very affordable price--especially with a Michael's coupon thrown in. I made three basketweave scarves for the men in my life last fall/winter--Dad, hubby, and my brother.

    The blanket is gorgeous, and I love the silvery color. Lovely choice as usual, Jennie!

  8. That was the sweetest post. What a beautiful story, blanket and day you all shared. xoxo

  9. Jennie, This is lovely. xxooxx

  10. Being the recipient of this most beautiful gift I must say that the pictures are wonderful but the blanket itself is magnificent! Not only do I love flowers and delicate things, I love this shade of silver blue, it's my favorite!

    Of all the things I loved about my Mother's Day, spent with my daughter and family, is having a daughter as truly special as Jennie. Thank You Jen, from the bottom of my heart, for being YOU! I can't thank you enough for all the times you made me proud of you and your many talents...YOU ROCK!!!


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