Saturday, May 8, 2010


Many moons ago, before the idea of crocheting for a "living" ever entered my mind, I had a fantasy about starting a business devoted to designing and creating favors for weddings and other events. It was going to be called "Do Me A Favor".
Where did I come up with this idea? Well, after making the favors (and lots of other goodies) for my own wedding, I really came to appreciate the intricacies of infusing meaning and true gratitude within that one small item. The favor is your chance to send your guest off with a final "feel good" about the entire event.
After attending many weddings and baby showers, I realized that all too often the favor comes across as an afterthought. A throw away token of thanks. I will never get that! For about the same price, wouldn't people rather give something that shows they really are grateful? Guests put their real lives on hold and spend tons of money on travel, clothing, gifts and accommodations to attend a wedding. This deserves more than candy stuffed in a flimsy little box! imo.

Fast forward to today.
A potential opportunity to create unique wedding favors has come my way. The couple is having a beach themed wedding in New Jersey. The wedding colors are shades of aqua and blue.
I chose to make the heart out of a cotton twine for a more nautical feel. For interest, I added an aqua shell and bead combo to one of the hanging strings. The ties are ribbon, embroidery thread, and a pearly opalescent crochet floss. The name/date tag in aqua cardstock caps it off.

Perhaps my favorite detail is the quote I found to put on the back of the card. How perfect is that???


I have my fingers crossed that the couple falls in love with my design. Not only would these add a fun and special something to their tables, their guests would be certain that their presence was appreciated. And then, knowing that these hearts are hanging somewhere in the homes of all the people who witnessed and celebrated their union? That's got to bring extra super duper good mojo to the couple long after their special day!


  1. Those are GORGEOUS favors! Makes me want to get married all over again :)

  2. That REALLY is gorgeous!!!! I love it!

  3. aside from being in awe of your remarkable talent, and the beauty of these favors...i am humbled by the fact that you took such care and love to create these for my remarkable son and his extraordinary bride to is a gift to be thought of as your friend. much love, leslie

  4. You RoCk jennie girl!!!! These are beautiful! Lovely photos and the quote is da BEST!!!

  5. Jennie, these are fab! :0) I love the quote too, they are such a special touch!
    Have a great weekend Jennie :)
    Donna x

  6. oh my! these are so sweet, I'm sure their guest will really treasure these lovely little tokens of gratitude :)

    happy mother's day!

  7. I've just realised it's your Mothers Day Jennie :)
    So just thought I'd pop by to wish you a lovely day.
    Hope you enjoy yourself what ever you do!
    Have a great time.
    Donna x

  8. I love everything about this post, from "Do Me a Favor" to the lovely favors you've created. I agree with you about some of the lackluster favors I've seen and received, and I'm determined--if I ever get married!--not to have those kind of favors. Your favor is gorgeous all the way around, from the crocheting to the beadwork to the quote.

  9. These are JUST beautiful, Jennie~~ Much love and success with a great business idea~

  10. These are so very beautiful and thoughtful, Jennie. Such a wonderful job. :-)

  11. Thank you all so much for the kind comments! Blogging is only fun when you get this kind of support- I love you guys!

    Christy- welcome! Thank you so much for visiting my blog, leaving a comment, and then blogging about my shop/post on YOUR blog- what a fabulous surprise and honor. I'm following you back, and looking forward to more of your finds :)

  12. Jennie-

    On the behalf of the bride to be and myself; words cannot capture the feelings we will have when we give this amazing gift to our guests. In a true fashion you have created a beautiful design (while also encompassing the theme of the wedding) with an ingenious idea with the qoutes on the back. Thank you so so much for your insight, creativity, and warm heartedness. The gift reflects love and friendship to our guests. what could be better?

    Sincerest thanks,

    Paula & Josh

  13. Yippeeeeee!!! The bride and groom are happy!!! I can't wait to make these for you two... I'll be in touch with your mom/you to be sure I have the right info about how many to make :))))

  14. Those are fabulous! Anyone would have to love them! Congrats on such a fun opportunity!

  15. Did the cheesy chocolate favors (I did make them by hand) but they all melted in the sun before anyone could eat them.
    This idea is really cute and not that expensive.


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