Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday's Treasure 5/6

Isn't it just the best, best, best feeling to receive a gift that you were completely not expecting? I came home yesterday to find a mysterious package on my doorstep- addressed to ME! It was filled with all of the goodies pictured above- a special Mother's Day card, vintage ideals book (chock full of wonderful stories, poems, and graphics), old pearly buttons, and the antique lithographed envelope (with hairnet!).
I can't get over how thoughtful it was for my aunt to pick out and send these treats "just because". I am very touched, and will certainly treasure this feeling for a long time to come. Thank you so much, Aunt Irene!! xoxo


  1. This was such a thoughtful gift Jennie. What a gem of an aunt you have. warmed up my heart just reading this. thanks for sharing ♥

  2. I'm so happy that you were made so happy by your very thoughtful Aunt and that it provided you such a wonderful feeling of specialness...which you are...very, very, special! Happy Mother's Day!!

  3. Happy Mothers Day Jennie!!! ((♥))

  4. Awww, so sweet! Happy Mother's Day, Jennie! <3


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