Friday, July 16, 2010

Featured Seller Interview: Part 5

"Tell us a bit about yourself"

My name is Jennie Thoma, and I am mother to four and a half year old Sophia and wife to my handsome math whiz husband, Mike. We live with our foundling kitty, Sinatra, on a heavily wooded peninsula along the Occoquan River in Northern Virginia. Our yard is home to many birds, toads, voles and squirrels, and we often have special visits from raccoons, groundhogs, foxes, owls, and deer. I grew up as a "Navy brat" and only child, living in Italy and various duty stations up and down the US East coast. I attended 11 different elementary schools before 9th grade! In 1991, I graduated from the University of Virginia with a Master's in Teaching, and taught special education in Fairfax County for almost 15 years prior to becoming a stay at home mom. I'm a collector, thinker, and lover of all things vintage, shabby and unique!
The adorable bunny planter pictured above is from Plaid Pony Vintage- the entire shop is FULL of fantastic items. A must see!
See the other parts of this interview by clicking HERE. The topic for next time: "Apart from creating things, what do you do?"

1 comment:

  1. I do so enjoy learning more about "Jennie." Jennie is a household name here, even my kids know you--you're a little celebrity to us! Hee hee.


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