Saturday, July 24, 2010

Taking a Break

Hello, My Bloggy Friend! I just wanted to let you know that I am going to take a break from posting for a week or so. Life has gotten too hectic for the time being, and something's gotta give. I do hope you won't forget me, and that you will come back to visit in August. Stay cool!!!


  1. Enjoy your much deserved break! You better not be reading this until after the week is up! ;-)

    <3 Kristine

  2. Enjoy your break Jennie, I will miss your daily posts but a break every now and then is a very good thing. :)

  3. Totally understand--I find it quite impossible to blog every day. The work that goes into maintaining a household and a family is quite overwhelming at times. Much needed Me-Time is so hard to come by. I will be looking forward to your return. You could never be forgotten here--you're the best!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)