Sunday, August 1, 2010

Somebody's Been Sewing

And it certainly hasn't been me! These gorgeous zippered pouches were made by my good friend Charlotte over at BizzieLizzie. She purchased a brights charm pack from sosovintage and went to town... I had no idea such fabulousness could be made from 6x6 inch pieces of fabric. As an owner of several of Charlotte's pouches, I can attest to the quality workmanship and superior customer service this talented woman cranks out. Check out more yummies from her shop by clicking right HERE!


  1. Oh, I am SO inspired by your delicious vintage "scraps" that you are willing to part with! Your things inspire me - immediately! Thanks so much for sharing my work on your sweet blog! You have no idea how happy I was when you purchased those pouches! =0) Thank you my friend!

  2. Oh She did a wonderful job... They look so bright an coloful!! Great job Lizzie =)

  3. Ooh--they're so cute! Sew cute, really. I haven't been sewing lately. Still knitting. Hopefully tomorrow I will go to the yarn shop and have the owner start teaching me how to make a sweater. Oh boy.

  4. BTW -- For some reason your post about Hanes refuses to come up on my computer. But how exciting that is. Congrats. Remember that jingle--"Wait till we get our Hanes on you!"

  5. Victoria~ The Hanes post was an issue with blogger last night. I set the darn thing to post on Tuesday, and it went and published it right away! I took it right down, but it doesn't remove things from dashboards, I guess. Anyway- that post will be up on Tuesday :)

  6. those are really cute and colorful! Yeah was wondering too about the Hanes post, can't wait to read more about it. Congrats!


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