Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Winner Revealed

And the person who came the closest without going over isssssssss........
Regan Jesurun
with her amazing estimate of $19.00!!! Congratulations, Regan!!


And on a separate note, I want to shop at YOUR Salvation Army store! Most of you had guesses hovering around the $10 mark, and here I was thinking I had gotten a steal! The bag of ornaments was $4.99- not my proudest purchase. But the Pyrex dishes were $2.99 each, so it balanced out, right? In any case, thanks SO much to all who played- I love this game! Hey- if any of you want to do the same game on your blogs I would love it. Be sure to tell me so I can play :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my goodness! I really cant believe I won!I've been jumping around the house yelling for the past 10 minutes. Mostly because my name is on my absolutely FAVORITE blog I read. I'm searching your shop now to pick out what I'm buying
    Thanks so much!


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