Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday's Treasure 12/9

I have always enjoyed solitary pursuits; my own company suits me just fine! After having a child, however, "alone time" has become an even more highly treasured (albeit virtually extinct) commodity. Yes, I'm alone when Daddy goes to work and Sophie goes to school, but running around doing laundry and grocery shopping doesn't really count, y'know?
So, it's always so very appreciated when my mom and dad (the unit aka *nanapa*) host a grandchild slumber party weekend or take her out for the day while I sleep in and then go shop til I drop. I had the opportunity to do the latter over our Thanksgiving trip and it was absolutely wonderful! I went to one of my favorite antique malls near their home in Pennsylvania and spent 3 glorious hours wandering from booth to booth in blissful peace and quiet. Thank you so much, Mom and Dad!!
The little fawn above was one of my purchases on this adventure. From her wobbly rose colored antlers to her scuffy spots to her jaunty bell, she is a such a precious bit of Christmas past. Look for her in sosovintage soon!


  1. I also have a deer figurine like that, only it's all red with gold glittery antlers! (xmas deer) my mom gave it to me, it was my grandmother's! we seem to have very similar aesthetics and taste! very cool indeed!

  2. Cute little deer you got there! It was an absolute pleasure to have the company of family during the holiday and to spend time with our wild and wonderful Sophie, Dillon, Danielle, or whomever she fancies herself to be that day! I Love You All!!

  3. Oh, I can relate to this post big time!

    Funny though, I can never win: when I'm out with the kids, they slow me down and I don't get as much accomplished; when I'm out without the kids, I feel like I'm missing something!

  4. Jennie-time is always wonderful-time. You're very lucky to have that support network and amazing family.

    Cute deer!


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