Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wedding Bowls

These are the two bowls made from the wedding items I showed you on Monday. I used the long silk slip as the base, and topped them off with a round of lace. Between you and me, I was terrified to cut these things up- they were so old and delicate that I truly feared that the result could be disastrous. As you can imagine, I am very pleased that they turned out so well. I added the knot of silk and lace at the side to really showcase the fabrics within. Now to see what I can make from the leftovers for the extra special item...


  1. These are gorgeous Jennie :0)
    I've been waiting since Monday to see what beauties you'd come up with.
    Lucky, lucky lady to get these :)

  2. they are lovely with quite special and rich history in the material used.

  3. These are so beautiful, and so special. You did a wonderful job, Jennie.

  4. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! You did a really awesome job of creating these most priceless bowls! They are exquisite and for evermore will be very treasured gems! Great work!

  5. ooooo i love them!!!! great craftsmanship!


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