Friday, March 25, 2011


Remember the colossal bowlee from THIS post? Look what that creative customer did with it!! See more of Sarah's beautiful newborn photography at her website or on facebook.
Are you a photographer seeking your own unique prop?
Contact me HERE with your request or idea!


  1. JENNIE!! This is GORGEOUS!!
    What a darling photo..! Oh, I love it!

    Do you get to 'keep' the photo to use? Your bowl looks fantastic in this, some people have the most amazing ideas :0)

    OOOooo, I love it, I'm going to have to keep peeping back lol.

    Have a great weekend for you and yours Jennie xxxoooxxx

  2. Oh that just opened up a whole new area for you to add to your shop!! What a beautiful basket and that baby is the most darling little chunky thing I have ever seen!

  3. I'm squealing with you! How cute is that?!

  4. OMGosh--that is one of the cutest things I've ever seen! LOL
    Smiles, Karen


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