Saturday, March 26, 2011


Yes I DID make that word up. Vinspiration is what you call being inspired by vintage. Well, it's what I call it, anyway ;)
So, here is my fabulous pink and black metal Decoware breadbox. I got this ages ago on eBay. It was supposed to go to my antique booth at the time, but I couldn't part with it.

It was my vinspiration for these three potholders! I used a double strand of size 10 thread, and these are each double thick as well. I'd like to sell them as a set because they look so cute together- it would be like breaking up a family to sell them individually! They took so long to make, though, with the super small stitches, that I don't think anyone would buy the set for what they will cost. I'm going to have to stew over this for a bit, and work on photos to see what I can come up with. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Or, share some of your own vinspiration! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend :)


  1. Oh, I can totally see why you couldn't part with that breadbox!! Looooove it! Your potholders are wonderful. I have some vintage potholders on the same order as the ones you made, and am always amazed at the amount of work that goes into them for such a utilitarian item. You rock!!
    Smiles, Karen

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  3. I LOVE 'vinspiration' Jennie, it should be in the dictionary :0)

    I just couldn't part with any of 'em, breadbox included lol

    Hope you're having a fabby weekend.

  4. Ps. Your cutie upcycled eggcups/cozies were in the 'easter preview' email sent out...did you see them?

    I keep forgetting to congratulate you :0) xxx

  5. love your new found word! ingenious!

  6. Oh my! I JUST bought two round tins in this same pattern and colors - a large and a medium size. I LOVE them!!! Going to use them in my sewing room!!!

  7. So those colors together.


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