Monday, June 27, 2011

Makeover Monday: 6/27

I've been seeing aLOT of red, white and blue front pages on Etsy lately.  Last year I made a couple sets of Independence Day stars in the more primitive, rustic tones.  This time, I decided to try a more modern take by using a bright red gingham and a turquoise blue.
Very festive!  Here's hoping they still have a chance to brighten up someone else's home for the 4th!
Happy Monday!  This week I am looking forward to finishing a snuggler for a returning customer- she had a boy over 2 years ago, and is expecting a girl next month.  Sophie has Construction Camp at her old school this week for 3 hours a day, and we have a fun play date set up for Wednesday.  Great Italian food may be in my future, too, as I have a potential dinner date with a college girlfriend on Thursday night.  Next week Sophie has no camp, so we are preparing the fishing poles for some ladies days at the river.  I'll take photos if, I mean when, we catch the big ones.  What's on your agenda this last week of June?


  1. Jennie, i LOVE your stars, and that gingham looks so cool..especially in the middle where the stitch is turning :o)

    Sophie sounds like she's got a good week planned! ;o)
    And I do hope you get to go Thursday night.. that sounds great to me!

    Well, I've got Gemma at home all week as her year are doing two weeks 'work experience' but we could only Gems in for a week (which is really good all things considering!). So we're going to be gardening, cooking, sewing and crafting (hopefully!) ;o)
    Oh, and some excercise LOL.

    Have a great week, and I'm looking forward to seeing those fishing pictures :o)


  2. These are beautiful, Jennie! I love how the red one looks like an oh-so-American picnic blanket. :-)

    You have a lot of fun things coming up!

    My last week of June consists of unpacking the last of the boxes and putting the finishing touches on the new apartment. I'm also tutoring a student in English, which has been fun. :-)

    Have fun fishing!

  3. Your stars have a great country look--they really capture the good ol' spirit of the USA! Great colors and fabric makeover.

    Sounds like a great week planned--ooh, camp three hours a day--nice. With my kids home ALL day, I just don't get as much accomplished. Trying to lighten up a bit here for the summer, so as not to go crazy! Our new pool is certainly coming in handy. Going through lots of sunblock and loving those Land's End swimshirts. Even got a boy's swim shirt for myself!


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