Sunday, June 26, 2011


Mr. Adorable here had "squirrel" on his price tag at the charity shop.  I'm not so sure.  He has a longer neck and taller overall stature than the squirrels I see in my yard.  Could it be a meerkat?  Please weigh in with your opinion as to what kind of animal this little guy is... he already looks a little distressed and I can't add to that by calling him the wrong thing in his listing! 


  1. He does seem to have the body of a meerkat, but the tail doesn't seem right. Whatever he is, he certainly is cute!

  2. Squirrel. Meerkats tails are not as fluffy. Squirkat?

  3. I love the 'Squirkat' ;o)

    I think he is a tall, cute squirrel, and I asked two of my children what they thought (I just showed the picture and no guesses) and they both said squirrel.

    Hope this helps with your listing ;o)


  4. Mr. Adorable is a wee bit ferret-like, but I think he's a squirrel. A slightly cartoonized version.

  5. He could be a squirrel in distressed looking for a mate or a chipmunk? hehehe... but anyway, so cute! :)

    Adin B

  6. He could be a squirrel in distressed looking for a mate or a chipmunk? hehehe... but anyway, so cute! :)

    Adin B


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