Monday, June 6, 2011

Makeover Monday: 6/6

Hehe.  For this very special "It's my birthday!" makeover edition, I chose a fun fabric that you just don't see every day.  I knew this one would be a prime example of how I tell customers to look only at the colors of a fabric versus the pattern when making material selections.

The fabric insisted on folding over as I worked, giving me far more of the back side of this sheet.  This happens quite often with jersey knit.  I still like the way it turned out, but it is different than I envisioned it.  Maybe that's my lesson for this year- to not get too attached to the way I think things will (or heaven forbid *should*) look like or be, and just accept and appreciate them for however they are or will be.


  1. Happy Birthday Jennie !!!
    Hope your day is fantastic !!!!

  2. See! all those frogs were jumping up and down wishing you a happy birthday monday makeover ;o)

    Have a Happy, Happy Birthday Jennie :o)

    I hope you have the most super day, and you get the chance to just relax tonight!
    Now that would be a good birthday for you! :o)

    Sending you love n hugs Jennie.
    Donna xxOOxx

  3. I really like it!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! <3 <3 <3

    Enjoy your special day, Jennie. You deserve it. :-)

  4. I remembered you said your birthday is on my wedding anniversary to I wanted to wish you a happy birthday my friend! and thank you for the kind anniversary wishes! I will be doing the same to you in 2 days for your anniversary too! hehe!


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