Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spill It Session #6

When a black cat crosses my path, I may inwardly groan, but I don't ready the shotgun.   I will think twice before opening an umbrella indoors or walking under a ladder. When I have to do something or go somewhere that I'm nervous about, I make sure that I put on clothing or jewelry that has a good luck/feel good connotation- given to me by someone special, something great usually happens when I wear it, etc.
While I don't consult a soothsayer or magic 8 ball about every decision, I have been to a psychic many times. I believe my loved ones who have passed away are now guardian angels, and from time to time, I am visited by them. I know that my grandmother "saw" her deceased brother right before she herself passed away. I believe that my dreams are often more than just dreams, and that one should never, ever ignore knowledge or feelings that come from gut instinct.
So, that's me. Please enjoy the video, ponder your own superstitions, and leave a comment to share some of your beliefs!


  1. I have heard that cats are protectors of your dreams and souls....

    I do believe in all of those wedding superstitions....

    I have a black dress that seriously brings me bad luck whenever I wear it, I wore it the day before my wedding and the area suddenly had 5 tornadoes and I almost missed my rehearsal, and the other 3 times I wore it, I had a death in the family, and other bad events, so I no longer wear it.

  2. Goodness, I hope my last bad dream never comes true! LOL ;o)

    I'm just like you on this one Jennie. I believe we all have Guardian Angels, and I know that my dear Dad has visited me at least twice since he passed (long stories).
    I also believe our dreams try and tell us stuff.
    I'm a very strong believer in sixth sense, and not long ago it saved me from a very nasty car crash at a traffic junction when I had five children in the car with me, and I just knew that a car was going to be coming round the corner at high speed and jump the lights..

    I also have to blow kisses to magpies (black and white birds in case you don't have them:o), never kill a spider (even though they scare the life out of me) and never put new shoes on a table :o)

  3. You're blog for today is "spot on"!! Believe in your gut, your hunches, and your intuition. You'll never go wrong if you stick to your instincts....trust in yourself!

  4. A perfect blast from the past--that's when Sesame Street was COOL!!! Love the hornplayers in front of Mr. Hooper's store. LOVE THIS, Jennie! Thanks for sharing, Victoria

  5. Sorry, I didn't "spill." Just so taken away by Stevie Wonder and Sesame Street.


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