Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mod Pot

I am pleased to announce that I am FINALLY tackling that downstairs room I've talked about.  The one that *would* be an office if we could get into it.  There is now.... drumroll.... a path!  A large path in a small room, so I'm maybe one fifth of the way there?  There's lots to be done, but I keep chanting "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" in my head.  The right mantra can work wonders, I tell ya.
Besides the obvious benefit of creating more space, I have also unearthed a few finds that will soon grace the sosovintage shelves.  Like this sassy number.  My own pots and pans are far from being this fun... but I'll bet someone out there has an orange and red kitchen begging for a vintage enamel pot just like this one!


  1. I love it! Such a pity my kitchen is red and green, I would snatch that pot up!

  2. Retro kitchen cool. Kudos to you for carving out a path. Keep plugging along!

  3. Ooo, so vibrant, bold, and sassy!

  4. This is gorgeous Jennie:o)

    I do love those colours and the flowers are so cute!



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