Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

My sister-in-law gave me this planter for my birthday several years ago.  I never had a great place to put it, so I have had it in our sunroom holding various gardening tools this whole time!  When Mike got close to finishing his front deck project, however, I realized that this planter would look stunning hanging from the brick chimney that is by our front door.  So, Sophie and I loaded it up with potting soil, petunias, vinca vine and sweet potato vine and it is a happy sight to see as you cross the deck to enter the house.  Yay for a finished deck and curb appeal!


  1. It looks so pretty Jennie. I love wire/ironwork, especially in the garden :o)

    Do you mean 'sweet potato vine' as in sweet potato that we eat?

    I've done a close up of the pic to try and nose at it (lol).. is it the greener, heart shape leaf plant over towards the right?
    I've never seen one of them growing before if it is!
    You'll have to let me know if it is that one or not, so I can show the children! :o)

    Thankyou so much for sharing this :o)
    Hope you had a few bites yesterday;o)
    Take care lovely Jennie.

  2. Hmmm- I don't think so, Donna- I must investigate. Maybe they call it that because it looks like the vine of the one we eat? All I know is that it's one of the most popular plants for containers here since it drapes and trails as it grows. They sell a darker almost purple variety as well. Yes, it's the light green thingy toward the right. I'll have to do an end-of-summer shot so you can see how it ended up.

    No fishing for us yet- camp is all this week, and it's way too hot by lunch time to do anything. Next week is fishing week, and there WILL be nibbles for sure :)

  3. That's a lovely bunch of flowers, Jennie! It's wonderful when something you cherish finds the perfect spot to shine. :-)


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