Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

It's that time of the week again, friends!  Time to celebrate a hard week of work by reflecting on the successes of the days before and dreaming of the relaxation and fun to be had over the weekend!  For your viewing pleasure, here are the newly chosen vintage fabrics soon to make their way to the sosovintage shelves!
Large abstract roses in pink and orange
Violet roses and ribbons on bright white: 100% cotton!
Lavender pagoda~gazebo in a scrolly, delicate Asian garden
Detailed birds, butterflies, wreaths and flowers on palest yellow

Large lavender and aqua peonies

Pink, yellow and turquoise daisies with orange and lavender forget-me-knots on ecru
Do you have a favorite from this group?


  1. Great finds, Jennie! They're all beautiful, but the colorful daisies are my favorite. :-)

  2. I like the pagoda/gazebo fabric, Jennie! Have a great weekend.

  3. OOOoo..yes! I love the birdie one and the asian pictures.
    They are all so pretty though!



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