Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pay It Forward

A little while back, I was lucky enough to be chosen as a recipient of a blogger style pay-it-forward.  The lovely hostess from whom I received my treats was none other than my good friend Donna over at Little Tiny Stitches.  Her wonderful blog is HERE, and her sweet Etsy shop is HERE.
The way pay-it-forward works, as I understand it, is that I now get to show you the awesome things that I found in my package from Donna.  While you are oohing and ahhing over my goodies, you can be thinking about whether or not YOU would like to get a package in the mail from ME.  For free!  If the answer is yes, you just leave a comment saying so.  By leaving a comment, you are committing to blogging about what treats come your way and then paying it forward by sending things off yourself.  And so we go, making the world a happier place one blog post at a time. 
I will pay it forward to three people.  If I only get 3 comments, well, you are the lucky three!  If I get more than 3 people interested, I'll have Sophie help me draw names.  If names must be drawn, I'll do that on Sunday evening and announce the names here on my blog.  As my package came all the way from England, my pif people can absolutely be from in- or outside of the US.  I won't spoil the surprise and tell you what you will receive, but I will let you know that I'll do my best to send things that are as special as I received.
If you've read this far, you must be dying to see my bounty!  Here is what my package from Donna contained:

A beautiful wall calendar featuring gorgeous scenery and very interesting recipes for each month.
The sweetest little handmade bird... look at the rosey fabric and the dangly legs!
Three precious baby chicks with little bead eyes and felt wings
And my very own crocheted flower brooch, with a stunning vintage button center.  I have it displayed for all to see on the project bag that I take with me when I'm out and about.  I've had many compliments already :)
I'm anxious to see who I get to gift, and I'm looking forward to making and gathering some fun things for my pif people.  A big thank you to Donna once again for her generosity, friendship and talent.  xoxo


  1. Ooh, ooh, ooh--pick me! My hand is raised real high and wagging about--just like an eager school kid!

  2. Awwww!!!! I just melted! What a positively sweet idea! I love the goodies in your package; they really show how kind your friend is, and how well she knows you. I love the scenery/recipe calendar! I think this pay it forward idea is simply marvelous. Also, it's fantastic that Sophie gets to help! :-)

  3. Oh, thank you Victoria. It occurred to me this morning that perhaps I'd have NO comments. Wouldn't that be a bummer?

    Kristine- are you volunteering?! I just may get you to be a blogger yet!! xoxo

  4. What a lovely blog post :o)
    You stage treasures in the most amazing way Jennie, and I so love that little birdie on your hook!

    Don't forget part of the PIF was to cook ALL twelve recipies Jennie.. LOL... only joking! ;o)

    Well done Victoria! And Kristine,
    maybe we could twist your arm into joining in the PIF? :o)
    It was Jennie that got me blogging...

    have a great week Jennie xxOOxx

  5. what a great idea! and such great goodies!!!

  6. Does that mean you're in, Lauren- or were you just leaving a nice comment? No pressure...If you'd like to be part of the pif, send me your address, ok?

    That goes for you too, Kristine!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)