Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

I can't believe it's Friday already!  Where did this week go?  As usual, I spent some time browsing the op shops, and have some delicious fabric to share.  Faves from this week's thrifting include:
It doesn't get much better than this- aqua blue, stripes, dashes AND flower vine scrolls!
Here we've got flowers, stripes and dots going on- with a bit of retro flair thrown in for good measure!

I've had this one in the shop before and was thrilled to find it again.  Love the fiddleheads!

This one has only been available in charm packs before- now I have PLENTY to offer in whatever size you want!
Gorgeous COTTON flower power in pink, orange, aqua and avocado.

Ooh, I do love some polka dots!  What pretty little bundles of posies, too.
It is supposed to be triple digit hot and humid here this weekend.  You can bet I'll be doing everything I can to remain indoors.  Hope the weather is more reasonable where you are, and that you have a bunch of fun lined up!


  1. Friday did seem to come awfully quickly, didn't it? And it's wickedly hot here, too.

    You found some lovely prints! My favorites are the fiddle head one and the one with the dots. :-)

    My Friday fun will consist of playing with some new fun paper, and planning for the last few days of tutoring. Have a great weekend!

  2. The weather is brutal, Jennie. Triple digits here as well. It's just way too unhealthy to be outside at all. Unfortunately, I did have to venture out around noon; they kids had their swimming lessons. My BIL's dentist office is about 5 minutes away, so I went there to stay cool.

    Even our "petite" pool was not all that refreshing; the water temp reads 93 degrees. The weather is supposed to drop down into the 80s on Sunday. Phew.


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