Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Visitor

What a treat to find this large swallowtail butterfly flitting around Sophie's windowbox!  She has the best view from her room.  The butterfly really loved the lantana-  about five times he considered flying away and then turned right around and came back. 
See that green stalk jutting out from the right hand side up there?  That's the plant Sophie brought her dad from school for Father's Day.  We suspect it's a bean, but aren't really sure.  It was only about 3 inches high when she brought it home, and I didn't have much hope for it when I placed it in the flowerbox.  It seems to be thriving, though, so that shows what I know!  If it does anything legume-y as the summer goes on, I'll be sure to post about it :)


  1. You are the best mom! What a wonderful thing for a child to have outside their window. I'm glad you were able to capture this image. :-)

  2. Lovely box! I so love the view from Sophie's window.....perfect for all types of viewong whether it's the weather you're looking at or the trees or birds or flowers, it's all right there! You've brought back a lovely memory for me as I sit here and recall holding Sophie up to the window every day for a "look see" at what our new day had to offer!
    Thank You!!

  3. Absolutely beautiful. What a special moment in the day :)


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