Sunday, July 24, 2011

So Many Squares

I finished my 125 vintage fabric squares that will be used as wedding napkins.  What a fun project!  I got to use my new cutting mat and rotary cutter, and I must say, these are just perfect. 

I got the new cutting set up from my husband for my birthday back in June. But, since I tend to resist change with every fibre of my being (especially when it could involve accidently chopping off a finger or two), I have been dragging my feet about learning a new system.  I think I've got it down pat, though, since I had plenty of practice with this project.  The squares are now on their way to North Carolina for hemming!


  1. These are beautiful! I'm glad you got to play with your new toy. :-)

  2. So many squares. So little time!

    Kudos to you for learning a new "set up." I resist change too. Takes me a long time to warm up to something.

  3. Ah....I on the other hand love change...and when it comes to learning something new...I'm in! First one in line! lol....

    I love the floral prints. So So pretty!

    I'm your newest follower. Stop by and visit with me too sometime! Have a great Day!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  4. that is a great wedding idea, love your fabrics!


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