Monday, August 22, 2011

Makeover Monday: 8/22

I won't deja vu you again by showing the fabric for this bowl a third time!  I'm pleased to announce that it is finished, though.  It's hard to believe this contains two pairs of pants, two shirts and a jacket, isn't it?  After all these years, it still amazes me how much fabric goes into crocheted bowls and rugs.  I guess when it fails to amaze me, it will be time to quit!
So, we're safely back from vacation and looking forward to a relatively quiet week around here.  Time to play catch up with laundry, housework, and orders.  I found out today that a new thrift store opened while I was away- and it's right across the street from my usual Tuesday thrift stop!  I'll be checking that out tomorrow for sure- I'll let you know how that goes.  My baby starts kindergarten two weeks from tomorrow!  Have your kids already started back?  How's your week looking?  Hope it's a great one!!

1 comment:

  1. This bowl has come out beautifully Jennie. You're such an amazing designer!! :o)
    Yes, i'm still always amazed at the amount of fabric that gets used in fabric crochet!
    Now I always 'over estimate ' anything i make so that I definitely have enough. I learnt my lesson the hard way LOL. :o)

    Your new thrift shop sounds like good news for you too!

    You know that the next fortnight is going to fly by my lovely don't you?

    Take care now, and have a great week what ever you do :o)

    Donna xxOOxx


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