Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Results

Just a quick note to let you know that I've posted the meaning of the little quizette from yesterday in the comment section of that post.  I'm trying not to ruin it for anyone just happening by who wants to play along.  I hope you had fun with it! 


  1. I am laughing aloud at my results: My mate--small! Wait till I tell my husband!

  2. This is cool Jennie :o)

    I checked your results....and yeah, I think that's definately you! :o) -Not sure about the 'odd' bit for your hubby though lol.

    Where as mine..yes, I think I could see that with me -if I interpret the vintage as 'old fashioned' ;o)
    And I can see my results for my hubby too, though not sure where the 'pure' fits i told him! lol :o)

    Have a great week Jennie. Lovely, lovely that you're back :o)

    Speak soon.
    Sending you love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx


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