Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

TGIF!  Here are a few new/old fun prints for your viewing pleasure.  These will be in sosovintage later today:

Pink with a hummingbird
These colors remind me of the winter holidays... they are coming, you know.
Daffodils and dots
Yves St. Laurent geometric goodness
And my favorite for the week... I adore the heart shaped leaves and stunning colors!
We are having some major rain today, so the *Panda picnic* has been rescheduled.  Be sure to come back tomorrow for a funny photo that I snapped today.  Have yourself a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, lovely fabrics :o) I love those sweetheart petals too!

    Eer...thanks for the reminder about the holidays :o)
    No, seriously, I did some christmas shopping yesterday!!
    Just little bits that I spied in a shop, but it will be here soon enough!

    Sorry your panda picnic was re-scheduled. You've had quite a lot of rain lately haven't you?
    We've had nicer, sunnier weather in the last few weeks than we did in the school holidays! -Some days haven't been that good, but overall it's been great :o)

    And, no pressure or anything, but are you doing a Sosorosey set of Christmas ornies this year?

    Have a great weekend what ever you do :o)



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