Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

You may recognize this ruffled bowl from a few weeks ago.  But how cool is it to see it beside the outfit it is made from, WORN by the person meant to be remembered?  That is my late grandmother from Michigan, and the bowl was special ordered by my aunt.  She had the idea to display the bowl with the photo, and I thought it was the most special touch ever!
My aunt had this bowl especially made for her daughter, my cousin Jody.  The photo shows our grandmother wearing this outfit at Jody's wedding.  The bowl and photo were given to Jody recently, and I received some very, very kind words about the reaction the gift got.  A big thank you to my Uncle Phil for snapping the photos, and to Aunt Irene for sending them... twice!!  xoxoxo


  1. Oh Jennie! This is so lovely!

    What a lovely way to remember someone, by getting a fantastic crochet artist to whip up a bowl with the fabric in those photos :o)

    I love 'em, and I'm sure your Grandmother would too :o)


  2. What a beautiful way to memorialize someone we love. Wonderful work!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! The Remembrance Bowls came out beautifully! Great Job!!

  4. What a special way to remember someone. Lovely bowls and such a lovely idea.

  5. soo sweet and very touching.
    just wondering- was it hard to cut up the pieces even though you knew you'd be making them into beautiful works of art?


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