Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

Happy Friday!  I've had a week full of Christmas preparations, and it has been fabulous!  Our sunroom is looking very festive with the lighted garland and hanging stars.  The tree is in the stand relaxing her branches.  The new chimney decoration is up and twinkling for all to see.  Cards have been sent, and packages are on their way to the UK, Massachusetts, Michigan and Ohio.  I'm quite sure I've never been at this point so early in the month- it feels great!!!
Enough about me- let's get to the fabrics!  I chose four new, random  favorites to showcase today.
This one is mainly white with the gray and green flowers, so the burst of aqua flowers here and there is extra special.
Grape, violet and lavender plaid.  Vintage sheets in purples don't come around very often- what a treat!
I've had the pink and the blue colorways of this one- it's nice to see the mango peach combo.

And, my favorite for the week.  FAUX eyelet!!  Isn't that awesome??  This would lend amazing texture to any sewing project.  Can I just tell you I love vintage sheets?  I'll bet you already knew that, lol!
Any special plans for the weekend?  Me, I'm going on my twice yearly night away with one of my oldest and dearest girlfriends.  24 hours of eating, shopping, and talking!!  Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy every last minute.

1 comment:

  1. Yep! That faux eyelet is tops for me this week too! And I love the colour as well!

    Well, I do wish I was you this weekend!
    All that Christmas gifting and decorations done, and a weekend of fun to boot! :o)

    I haven't posted one card yet, nor one parcel -post office for me in the morning!
    And we still have the outside lights and window decs to do as well. (tut, tut i know :o)

    have a truly fabulous time with your girlfriend Jennie :o)

    Take care,
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx


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